I hope you enjoy these New Year tips ...
January is the perfect time to put your New Year’s resolutions into action. I’m sending a brief guide over the next three weeks to help you get started.
Whether you have a studio apartment or a house, the goal is to eliminate clutter and maximize space. A place for everything and everything in it’s place. It’s tempting to purchase organizing items but until you have sorted, purged and measured, you won’t know precisely what’s needed – and these can become part of the clutter. Daily maintenance for 15 minutes or a half hour will prevent having to spend days or weeks to catch up.
Here are a few ideas to help you create a fresh start for the new year with healthy, calming spaces. Of course, not all ideas apply to everyone.
• In the entry area, place a table or chest with a basket on top to store mail until you process it.
• This “landing strip” should hold a bowl or tray to drop keys in as you enter.
• Use this area to place items you plan to take with you when leaving.
• A decorative container can hold umbrellas.
• Your desk is a work zone. Place items on it which are in regular use, not your entire stash of supplies or other household items.
• Set up and maintain equipment so it functions properly.
• An armoire or shelving system with boxes is a neat way to keep paper, materials and supplies contained.
• A file system is essential for home and business. It should enable you to locate an important document in less than two minutes. Weekly filing eliminates stress.
• Gain control of your financial life. Eliminate late fees by logging bill payment reminders onto your calendar. Your file system helps you store documents and prepare taxes in a timely manner.
• Organize your computer with a set of folders to keep digital files and email easy to file and retrieve.
• Your day planner is an essential time management tool. Whether you prefer digital or paper, use one calendar to keep your daily focus on what matters.
• Place a shredder near the desk and use it to shred financial solicitations and sensitive documents with account numbers.
Next week, we’ll look at organizing the kitchen and living room. If you need help in any of these areas, please call on me. Organized space works!
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